Mock Bank System





The Mock Bank System is a text-based application that allows users to simulate a bank ATM system. The project is split into five phases and was made with two separate teams. The first team consisted of three members, including myself, and the second team consisted of four members, including myself. The first team developed the front end of the application, as well as integration and unit testing for the front end. The second team developed the back-end of the application, as well as the unit-testing of the back-end. Phase 1-3: The front end of the system was created using C++. The program allows users to perform actions with their bank account. Actions include: - login - logout - withdraw - transfer - paybill - deposit - create - delete - disable - changeplan The program will display instructions and transactions that can be carried out upon typing the action. Certain actions, such as delete, disable, and changeplan, can only be accessed by an admin user. All transactions performed will be recorded in a text file and will be eventually sent to the back-end for processing by the end of the day. The front end is tested using shell scripts. Each transaction has several unit test cases for each interaction. When run, the output of the application, provided with an input text file, will be compared with an expected output. Upon finishing the script, each unit test will be recorded onto a text file, displaying the cases that have passed and the cases that have failed. Phase 4-5 The back-end of the system was created using Java and is tested using JUnit, similarly to phases 1-3. The program processes the transaction file, created by the front end, and will make changes to the accounts of the users at the end of the day, using a process involving master account files and account files.

Github Repository: here

Project Status: complete

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